Dean Kingett is now teaching and attuning others as well as running his own healing sanctuary and development classes.  Those students interested can either do their training with him at the sanctuary or they can be attuned distantly by arranging a mutual time with him to receive their attunements.  Full course manuals will be given to each student to help their understanding and progression along with proof of lineage.  Certificates will also be provided upon Completion.

  To book your attunement in the sanctuary or distantly to raise your spiritual vibration please email -


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The tool created with this attunement will ”upgrade” your chakra system in less than 24 hours! You will become attuned to the energy of each of the 7 chakras. If you have any leaks in your chakra system, they will be permanently repaired and sealed. It will not only improve your energy flow exceedingly, but also strengthen your healing power and your ability to pass on attunements.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5

13 CRYSTAL SKULLS (Master/Teacher)

This is a pure and powerful divine energy attuning you to the 13 crystal skulls, which helps to cleanse the negative energies in ourself and the environment. It helps to increase and strengthen our healing abilities and energies and heal diseases. It also helps to activate and strengthen our 3rd eye chakra and psychic abilities.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £15.00


 Many magi are interested in the Abaia as they have existed far longer then humans have. So when a new species is discovered, its arrival is met with great excitement, because it may unlock some mysteries of the past? They are believed to have originated 400 million years ago when no man walked the Earth.

Being nocturnal is to their advantage, as their large eyes can easily see without light. They are stunning creatures, with strange scales harder then most metals. These scales seem more like armour then anything else, and some think they are somehow related to Dragon scales?

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £10.00


This has an enormous energy that is designed to help us to bring wealth through creative thinking. It connects our higher spirit to the divine abundance and its pouring of infinite possibilities to raise the abundance self within us. It also improves our physical health as a part of self wealth-ness.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £15.00


This provides you with intensive acupressure therapy which you may activate for various zones on your body. It removes energy blocks in your meridians to increase healing.  It is etheric acupressure that uses both your etheric hand ability and the innate knowledge of your bodies consciousness to provide your body with relief from discomfort and stress.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5.00


According to Welsh tradition, the Adar Llwch Gwin were giant birds, similar in kind to the Griffin, which were given to a warrior named Drudwas Ap Tryffin by his fairy wife. These birds were said to understand human speech and to obey whatever command was given to them by their master.

They are servants that can work with other spirits, (white or dark), influence humans and situations and take presence on both physical and astral realms. They are good companions for anybody who wants to connect to an amazing and ancient energy.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £10.00

AJNA LENSE (Master/Teacher)

This is designed to ease strain and pressure. Many people experience discomfort in this area of their forehead after doing intuitive work or being near a crowd of people. Ajna Lense is composed of 9 ethereal gems whose spiritual energies are organised by your higher self.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*Please note you must be a Usui Reiki Master or equivalent to take this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5.00


In ancient times the Amphisbaena had many uses in the art of folk medicine and other such remedies. It is said that expecting women wearing a live Amphisbaena around their necks would have safe pregnancies. However, if ones goal is to cure ailments such as arthritis or the common cold, one should wear only its skin. By eating its meat one could attract many lovers, and slaying one during a full moon could give power to one who is pure of heart and mind.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £10.00


The Angel Guides Empowerment connects you with your personal Angel guide or guides. This energy is very high and helps you to vibrate on a level that allows you to communicate with your angel guides. Your Angel guides will assist you in following your path. They will help you to heal from any illness or injury, often much quicker than would be expected. And you personal Angel Guides will work to help you understand what steps to take to improve your life and to manifest your desires.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5.00


Angelic Erelim represent interconnectedness.  This is the energy and assistance they extend to us; the interconnectedness of LIFE! 

 The Erelim have massive amounts of compassion and weep when they witness any form of pain in life. The greatest form of pain is the illusion that we are separate from the energy that made us, because we have no idea how to touch it, feel it, and dwell within it. 

 The Erelim await our requests so they can help us know the freedom of unbridled communion with all forms of sentient life that we bear resonance with.  

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5.00


An empowerment to the Angelic Ophanim is as a ‘meet and greet’ to their presence. It provides you with the right to have an audience with them. 

These Angels reside very close to the Highest level of Eternal Sacred Source and we display right thinking by seeking their wisdom on serious life issues. 

The Angelic Ophanim have authority over the wheels within wheels Merkavah for a consciousness to spiritually travel through time and space. 

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5.00


Angelic Sealtiel Empowerment provides you a strong link with 

Angelic Sealtiel who has been known as both a Saint and an Arch Angel.  

Angelic Sealtiel is an angel of prayer, intercession and cleansing powers. 

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5.00


This system combines the divine Earth energy and power of Archangels to communicate with and heal animals. Your connection to this energy will heighten your telepathic and empathic abilities to both communicate and heal animals.

 Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*Please note you must be a Usui Reiki level II or equivalent to take this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £15.00


Apollo has been variously recognised as a God of light and the sun, truth and prophecy, healing, plague, music, poetry and more. As a protector he will not let you down on either the physical or astral plane when called upon. In meditations he will keep you safe, and for use in healing he has many powers to help you in your work.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £10.00


It is not your imagination that you are psychic, as is everyone, but you may need a helping hand assessing your abilities? Arielle is part of a large group of Angels assigned to help you with your spiritual gifts. Never be afraid of your gifts as they are there for you to grow and learn with. These new psychic and spiritual experiences will change how you see the world and yourself.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £10.00



From our tears comes our ultimate joy and Archangel Cassiel brings you comfort in these dark hours reminding you of the good times past and leads you to the good times ahead. Being in harmony with yourself and your life means taking time to "BE" rather then do. It helps you to find your inner centre and become one with yourself and life.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £10.00


Working with Archangel Raziel requires somewhat of a commitment to change on your part. He is not for the weak of heart. For once you agree to take this step of growth and change in your life, life will never be the same. There is no looking back or stopping the flow of energy. 

Do not be afraid of this commanding yet loving Archangel. He will take you to the next level of your spiritual growth and on to proceeding down the path of your life’s mission, your purpose for being. You will intensely study alchemy & manifestation, also you will be presented with the ability to unlock you subconscious knowledge & memories.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £10.00


The Greek Goddess of the moon and the hunt. She protects women in labour, small children and wild animals. She is the Goddess of child birth, of nature and of the harvest.

Her bow is symbolic of the crescent moon as well as of inner self-esteem, of an exquisitely tuned inner tension.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5


This attunes you to 13 Ascended Masters and brings you a closer connection to them. Whether it is for guidance or for healing their energies are there to work with. The 13 are - Jesus, Mother Mary, Abundantia, Kuan Yin, Buddha, Maitreya, Merlin, Moses, St Germain, Holy Padre Pio, Master Kuthumi, Sanat Kumara and Serapis Bey.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £15.00


Ascension Vibration is unity through the balance of polarities that exist in this reality, realities beyond and inside you. Ascension Vibration’s yin yang symbol is utilized to bring into balance inner, outer, upper, lower aspects of our being and our positioning to the world around us.

Your Ascension Vibration attunement gives you access to this highly individualized vibration and the power of the yin yang symbols as an activator of your ascension vibration.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £10.00


You are attuned to the Tikkun Shakti (repair) and Kodiak Bear (deep clean). "Repair" function contains the Tikkun Shakti who will be doing the repair work on your astral body. There are also silver, blue and pink rays that combine to give your astral body a luminescent glow. Repair function can be used daily, but you may only need it once or twice a week after you have used the deep clean function.

"Deep clean" function is Kodiak Bear retrieving and eating anything that got into you through holes in your astral body before the repair.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*Please note you must be a Usui Reiki Master or equivalent to take this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £15.00


This trilogy attunes you to the Atlantean crystal activation, crystal skull activation and the elemental Earth star empowerment. They are a set of spiritual and personal progression attunements/empowerments that will help and serve you well on your spiritual journey and ascension, and also aid in humankind and Gaia's ascension.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £30.00


The energies of the Attraction Magnet Empowerment will also surround you with a divine bubble of universal light which will create a spiritual pull to all those things you are seeking to gain. This etheric magnet will also expand in an outwards direction to pull the energies of Attraction to you.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5.00

AURA FLUSH (Master/Teacher)

This is a very gentle, cleansing energy that sweeps through the aura and clears it of negative energy and thought forms. Like other flushes for meridians and chakras, the aura flush is easy to use and activated by intention. It works just as well in person or distantly, and is an excellent compliment to Reiki or any other healing system.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5.00

AZURE RAY OF AVALON (Master/Teacher)

Call upon Queen Argante for healing, working with faeries and elves, intuition, imagination and past lives or soul retrieval. You will also find wisdom as well. Argante is no stranger to life, death and rebirth. Perhaps most important of all, in almost all her guises, she is a wise teacher.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £7.50


 Babaji learned to over come all physical limitations, and many believe that he ascended with his physical body which may account for reported sightings of a living Babaji? He encouraged the practice of yoga as a means to spread to the western world enlightenment. Through meditation he will keep you safe and guide you well on your path to your own enlightenment, and for use in healing he can provide many powers that can assist you in your work.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £10.00


She is the ruller of the tides of flux and reflux. The waters of the great sea answer unto her, and she rules the nature of woman. It is said that she created time and measurement? She is the protector of women and she rules magick and child birth.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5.00


Bio Life means eternal life energy that is compatible with and sustains all biological life forms here on planet Earth in accordance with Eternal Divine Blueprint for ascending eternal life. Bio Life Spiritual Awakening is an energy system which dissolves out any blocks to your spiritual awakening that you are ready to release, anywhere and any when they may be.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £10.00


 This powerful shamanic healing system brings you ethereal tools to work with from the spirit world. These tools will assist you with your healing work and include a shamanic rattle and wand. It will also help you to open a vortex to help clear negative energy from people, places and properties.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £10.00


Bliss is available throughout the Universes not just in ours. It is a marvelous tool for transformation and requires no symbols…just contact with Source and program the pure Bliss to transmute the negatives.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5.00


It is impossible to describe all the good qualities of a Buddha. A Buddha's compassion, wisdom, and power are completely beyond conception. With nothing left to obscure his mind, he sees all phenomena throughout the universe as clearly as he sees a jewel held in the palm of his hand. 

Through the force of his or her compassion, a Buddha spontaneously does whatever is appropriate to benefit others.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5.00


This is an all purpose empowerment that will allow you to access, in a broad way, the Buddaic Blue Light of Mushin, for equanimity, peace of mind, tranquility and self-healing. As with all things, you will receive from this empowerment what you put into it.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5.00


Calla Lily Devas conduct energy sessions that bring balance to our body and being. The seclusion of Her innermost parts is a creation incubator. You may allocate as many incubators as you need for ideas or relationships. Within the depths of Her flower is a perfect environment for Her to test your various energy fields for thin spots that need to be reinforced. 

You intend toplace yourself in her flower and ask for Her do provide a session for you, while you are reclined. You must remain reclined for 12-30 minutes while the Calla Lily Deva repairs and rebalances any areas that require attention.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5.00

CHAKRA FLUSH (Master/Teacher)

The chakra flush is a very simple method to clear out stuck energy from the chakras. It does nor energise the chakras but gently clears them of old blocks and stuck energies, by gently releasing the energetic wounds of the past, allowing new positive energy to enter.

 Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5.00


This opens you to the ability to feel and know the answers to questions and to percieve information at a distance. Learn how to put your consciousness in various places while you percieve feelings and information from other people, places, animals and time.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £15.00


These energies help with compassion and forgiveness as well as the blessings of abundance. She helps with any issues of love, compassion, forgiveness and relationships. She will heal your heart filling your soul with universal love and draw to you gifts of abundance.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £10.00

CRYSTAL DRAGONS (Master/Teacher)

This system is not so much a healing system but rather a system for spiritual development and spiritual progression. Crystal Dragons introduce you to the three crystal Dragons and the crystals they come with. It allows you to call upon them for various things. There are three attunements that need to be at least five days apart from each other.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £30.00


When one becomes attune to this shield, they will have the ability to use it for life. It is a simple and practical light shield that is instantly erected around the user when called upon.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £7.50


When the Lion's den event occurred, Daniel was in his 80's. Through a life of hard work and obedience to God, he had risen through the political ranks as an administrator of this pagan kingdom. A dedicated follower of God whose gifts can be called upon to aid us on our physical and spiritual journeys. Daniel could also interpret dreams with his great knowledge, trust and faith which is why he was a true prophet of his time.

 He will keep you safe with his Angels and guide you well on your path as you seek guidance, and for use in your healings his faith in God and the Angels will bring many powers to assist you in your work.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £10.00


Aladya, the Angel of revival, regeneration. An angel, giving the second breath to a body, soul and spirit. It allows us to restore the forces, giving alive energy then when we feel weakened. At the same time it actuates both reason and intuition, and helps to get out of the confused situation. These virtues Aladya transfers those who wish to accept them.

Aladya is ready to help during the moments when we aspire to changes, which still are not capable to realize, and we test confusion in critical situations. 

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5.00


A unique energy tool to help us to face challenges or goals that require great courage and a passion for attaining the best in life. By this energy system we are able to follow through, to heed the quest call of ones own soul, to have the courage to venture further beyond the boundaries into the great unknown.

It strongly stimulates fidelity, commitment, passion, intensity and wealth. It also brings out the best of ourselves from within, then radiating that brilliant light out to the rest of the world.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £7.50


This is a powerful tool for clearing away stagnant and nEgative energies that build up around us on a pretty regular basis. It is an energy that works quickly to break down and remove this unwanted residue from the physical and auric bodies, which if allowed to build up can eventually manifest as disease or altered mood states. It is suitable for self and client healing, and can be used in a variety of ways such as room cleansing and puryfying the energy of an object.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate 10.00


Any disappointment can have a wearing you down feeling that can sometimes grow worse, not better over time unless the impact of it is flushed away. This energy is designed to flush from your energy body and physical bodies cells the affects of disappointment.

This is a flush that will attend to recent events first, in regards to the adverse effect on your emotional, physical, mental and spiritual energy fields.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5.00


This helps so that empaths can move forward with peace, tranquility, awareness of their body and remain grounded. It will shield and protect from taking on the negativity of others so that ones own energy can be managed, controlled, turned off when needed and create light energy using the power of the mind. It will enable one to not only manage the empath nature but adapt to it and control it and modify the intensity of the experience.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £10.00

ETHEREAL CRYSTALS (levels 1-3 / 4-6 / 7-9 / 10-12 Master/Teacher)

It is now possible to give a powerful crystal healing without the use of physical crystals been present. Through this attunement you will gain access to specific crystal energies, which you can then channel by intention. It is said that these ethereal crystals are much more stronger then those found within Mother Earth.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*Please note you must be a Usui Reiki Master or equivalent to take this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £30.00


This is designed to awaken your innate ability to use your spiritual non physical hands to channel healing energies and bring a physical touch to your or other peoples bodies. It works first to clear the various energy centres otherwise known as chakras, in your hands and arms. Then you'll be able to channel healing energies more effectively and be ready for your etheric hands to fully awaken.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £10.00


This program will connect you to all fairies if you wish to call on them for assistance? However, this system strengthens and connects you to specific fairies so that you will be able to call on them easily for assistance with healing, abundance, magick, guidance, protection, fertility, transformation, transition, strength, love, happiness and beauty.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £15.00


This energy relieves of guilt for the past, anxiety for the present and fear before the future. This is done through a whirlwind of white feathers.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5.00


Ganesh is one of the best known and most widely worshipped dieties in the Hindu pantheon. He is revered as the remover of obstacles and more generally as Lord of beginnings and Lord of obstacles, patron of arts and sciences, and the deva of intellect and wisdom.

Working and learning with this awesome diety will help you to open your mind to what you can achieve on all levels. All its magic and powers must be respected though and always used for the highest good of all.

 Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £10.00


It was she who guarantees the physical safety, protection and justice. Dana is a Triple Goddess Star who ruled many tribes. Invoke her to a star and she will seek everywhere for love for you.

Let the energy of heaven within you act and render to the most simplest sensations and their more complex abstractions.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5.00


 Horus proved himself to be a tactical genius, he knew precisely which force to send and where to send it., showing no mercy to those that opposed the Emperor, but sparing the innocent from unnecessary bloodshed, proving himself a protector as well as a God of many healing powers.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £10.00


A Mayan Goddess of the moon but she is also the Goddess of child birth, rainbows, weaving, fertility and love making. She encourages us to acknowledge the negative forces affecting our lives, and she prompts us to assert ourselve fully in the in the face of physical or emotional violence that would diminish our sense of sel.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5.00

JADE DRAGON (Master/Teacher)

Besides its benefits for health issues it is energy that attracts abundance, prosperity and good fortune and enhances good luck. This energy is powerful for health, wealth and prosperity.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £7.50


 Krishna is easily recognised by skin colour which may be depicted as black or dark in some representations, in modern images Krishna is usually shown with blue skin, often shown wearing a yellow silk dhoti and peacock feather crown.

This attunement has been created as a stand on its own system, but Krishna will also work in conjunction with any other modality you ask him to, for the highest good of all.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £10.00

LIGHT OF LEMURIA (Master/Teacher)

This attunement connects you to the Lemurians and strengthens any already existing connections. This helps develop and enhance psychic abilities, and helps bring forth the hidden memories of the distant past in which the Lemurian and Atlantean cultures existed.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £10.00


This attunement is designed for those interested in working with the Deva's and and spirits that inhabit the nature kingdom, and for healers who want to integrate the energy and vibration of these beings.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £10.00


The Ophiotaurus was a creature that was part Bull and part Serpent. The creatures entrails were said to grant the power to defeat the Gods to whoever burned them. The hybrid was slain by an ally of the Titans, but the entrails were retrieved by an Eagle sent by Zeus before they could be burned.

The Ophiotaurus is actually very tame, sweet and innocent, and thanks to Posiedon, the Ophiotaurus is currently safe in an aquarium on Olympus built by Hephaestus, the blacksmith of the Gods.

 Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £10.00

PAN ATTUNEMENT (Master/Teacher)

 In Greek religion and mythology, Pan is the God of the wild, shepherds and flocks, nature of mountain wilds, hunting and rustic music and a companion of the nymphs. He has the hindquarters, legs and horns of a goat and he is recognised as God of the fields, groves and wooden glens.

Pan is also connected to fertility and the season of spring. Being a rustic God, Pan was not worshipped in temples or other built edifices, but in natural settings, usually caves or grotto's such as the one on the North spole of the Acropolis in Athens.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £10.00


Through meditation he will keep you safe and guide you well on your path to enlightenment, and for use in healing he has many powers that can assist you in your work. Working and learning with Paramahansa Yogananda will help you to open your mind to what you can achieve on all levels. All this power must be respected though and always used for the highest good of all.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £10.00


A winged divine stallion usually depicted as pure white in colour. According to legend, everywhere the winged horse struck his hoof to the Earth, an inspiring spring burst forth.

There are several versions of the birth of the winged stallion and his brother Chrysoar in the far distant place at the end of the Earth, Hesiod's springs of Oceanus, which encircles the inhabited Earth, where Perseus found Medusa. One is that they sprang from the blood issuing from Medusa's neck as Perseus beheaded her.

 Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £10.00



The Phoenix is a long-lived bird that is cyclically regenerated or reborn. It is a bird with beautiful gold and red plummage, and at the end of its life cycle the Phoenix builds itself a nest of cinnamon twigs that it ignites. Both nest and bird burn fiercely and are reduced to ashes, from which a new young Phoenix arises.

The Phoenix has long since presented a symbol of rebirth, immortality and renewal, and on a meditational journey is one of the most elegant things in the air and can take you where you wish instantly and safely as you require. For use in healing the Phoenix has magic that can assist you well in your work.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £10.00



This protection is very important, especially in modern times were we are bombarded with outside energies constantly. Psychic attacks are more common then people realise, they happen all the time. Healers and Lightworkers are particularly vulnerable to psychic attacks as they are often targeted by dark energies.

The psychic protection flame provides immediate relief from current psychic attacks, and long term protection thanks to the strengthening of the spiritual immune system as well.

 Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5.00


You will learn how to use the symbol to invoke Archangel Michael's protection quickly and powerfully for yourself, others, animals, plants, your home, your finances and anything else you want to protect? You will also understand how to shield yourself and others against any form of negative energies, people etc. You will be guided as how to release your fears and embrace the future with confidence.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £10.00



Sunstones have a strong solar energy, so they embody within them the warmth, strength and openness of the sun. When you are feeling that life is no longer pleasant, these energies help you feel that life is worth living. They release stress and aid mental clarity and help you to be open to blessing others with your personal abilities and gifts.

These are powerful energies for bringing joy and other positive feelings into your life. They embody potent healing qualities that will re-energise your body.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5.00



Telos is an ancient Lemurian City that exists beneath Mount Shasta with over a million inhabitants living in peace and prosperity. The City of Telos has a very special frequency of love, which makes it very beneficial in healing sessions.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £10.00


The name Raphael means "The God heals ". Raphael gives fire for a life and bodies. The color of this energy is golden. This energy is very kind. It can raise a mood and tones up an organism. It goes with a powerful stream, being poured in from below in the Root Chakra and rising upwards along the backbone.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5.00


This attunement will be one that is simply the most profound thought that many have ever received, yet it is very basic and simple. It is called ‘The Trinity of Blessings’.

This attunement is a key. It will open the door to an immeasurable bounty of blessings for those who not only accept the attunement, but implement it’s principles into their lives. This is an energy or light working attunement.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £10.00


This healing opens one to vastly expanded states of consciousness. The energy clears the auric field and fills the physical and energetic bodies with full spectrum light. It aids in moving out of the attachments to the emotions and into a higher perspective. It is primarily used for healing and repair of the nervous system etc.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5.00



This works in the energy field bodies, burns through and transforms blockages in the physical, mental, emotional and other spiritual bodies. TSA RA grounds all other healing energy.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £15.00


Western Red Cedar Smudge energy system is the essence of smoke from Western Red Cedar bark; also known as Thuja Plicata or Thuja Occidentalis. Smudging is the use of smoke for the sacred purposes of sanctifying objects clearing away negativity. 

This is perfect for people new to attunements. Western Red Cedar Smudge© is effective without the physical cedar bark being burnt for sacred purifying of your energy fields spaces, and objects.

Cedar Smudge is great for times when physical smoke is not allowed to be burned or you simply don’t have Western Red Cedar supplies on hand.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5.00


Wing Care is born of the desire to live in a richer awareness of all the gifts we have, even those we are just noticing.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5.00


A sacred woman of supernatural origin, central to the Lakota religion as the primary cultural prophet. She taught the Lakota's seven sacred rituals and gave them the sacred pipe which is the holiest of all worship symbols. This powerful Ascended Master can be a great ally upon our physical and spiritual journeys.

Through meditation she will guide you well and help you find your answers and truth, and for use in healing she has wonderful energy that can assist you in your work.

 Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £10.00


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