Angels and Archangels are here to help us, inspire us and protect us and are there to be called upon whenever we are in need. You do not need to be a medium or clairvoyant to ask for Angelic guidance, only to trust that they will help you. Many of you may already have felt their presence around you. Just because you can’t always see them doesn’t mean they are not there when you ask for them. Experiencing a change in energy around you, flashes of light, cobweb feelings across your face and your hairs standing on end are just some small ways in which they will let you know that they are there. They can help in many different aspects of our life to make it a whole lot easier and all we have to do is ask.
These Angelic beings are not to be used for greed or harm though. The toils in our lives are there for a reason, they are lessons that we need to overcome. Asking the Angels to help you through them is a sign of growing, learning and accepting your life path.
The word Angel is a Greek word literally meaning messenger. These special beings help to give us a link to our divine creator in the hope that we may expand our minds. Do not feel that Angels are only there in times of crisis, they are there for you every day to call into your life. By asking for their assistance in your life you are also helping them in theirs, as they too need to evolve in the Angelic realms just as we do in ours.
Angels unlike our spirit guides have apparently never been a human form, though they may temporarily appear in this way. Angels are also genderless and this is because they possess the perfect masculine and feminine balance that we as humans can struggle to come to terms with. Angels will appear to each individual in a way that the individual perceives them, there is no right or wrong way to describe one as the experience is unique to the individual.
Historians say there are three spheres of Angelic beings, sphere one being the heavenly counsellors. This sphere consists of the Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones. The Seraphim are thought to be the highest of the Angelic hierarchy. These are the closest to the divine white spirit and creator. They help to balance the movement of the Planets, Stars and Heavens through the means of sound.
The Seraphim are described as flaming creatures aflame with love. A section of the old testament (Isaiah 6) states “Round him flaming creatures were standing, each of which had six wings. Each creature covered its face with two wings and its body with two, and used the other two for flying”.
The Cherubim are suggested as guardians of light from the Sun, Moon and the Stars. They are thought to be the second highest in the hierarchy and their name stands for “one who prays” or “wisdom”. The Cherubim are known as the record keepers of Heaven. They are not however anything like painters over the years will have us perceive them to be, cute and cupid like.
The Thrones are the third hierarchy in the first sphere and are the Angels of the Planets. All the Planets have their own Throne, our guardian is the Earth Angel. We know them as “many eyed ones” and “wheels” and we believe them to be charioteers around God. They have been described as having “four faces and four wings”.
In the second sphere we encounter the Dominions, Virtues and Powers who serve as the Heavenly Governors. Dominions become the fourth in the hierarchy and govern the Angelic beings who are not yet as evolved as them. They help to advise the lower Angel groups and have been noted as carriers of golden staffs in their right hand and in their left the seal of God.
The Virtues become the fifth hierarchy of Angels and are the “brilliant” or “shining” ones as they are able to transmit beams of divine light. They are said to be of miracles and blessings. The two Angels at the ascension of Jesus are thought to have been from the Virtues.
Sixth in the hierarchy sees the Powers who are thought to be the first order of Angels God created. They are the protectors of our souls from evil and avenge evil in the world. The Powers are also thought to be the Akashic record keepers which hold all the thoughts and actions of each soul throughout its journey. They are the overseers of births, deaths and rebirths.
In the third sphere we come to the Heavenly messengers which are the Principalities, Archangels and Angels. Principalities being the seventh in hierarchy watch over the large groups and are thought to be the guards of nations, cities and leaders. It is said that the Angel who helped David to slay Goliath came from the principalities.
Surprisingly to some the Archangels come in the eighth hierarchy of order but bring to light the most commonly known in Gabriel, Michael and Raphael etc. They are thought of as the “over lighting Angels” as they watch over Angels and humanity. The Archangels will answer your calls whenever you ask as God created them to serve us.
Finally, ninth in the hierarchy come the Angels who are the closest to us as humans. The Angels bring many gifts to us such as healing, hope, love, peace, joy etc. Guardian Angels are also part of this realm.
We can and should connect with the Angels as often as possible for help in our daily lives. As it is said, God created these Heavenly beings to help, guide and protect us throughout our lives. Learn to connect with them to help you through your days. A list of some can be found on this website page giving a little understanding of how to use them and what strengths and protection they can help you with?
The name Archangel Zadkiel means, “Righteousness of God”. His colour is violet and he stands for forgiveness, tolerance and mercy and the transmutation of negative energy. Forgiving is in itself a form of healing as you rid yourself of negative feelings and emotions which could be detrimental to your health.
You can invoke Archangel Zadkiel to help you with forgiveness, tolerance and mercy -
If you cannot forgive yourself and others
If you are pent up with negative emotions, (anger, bitterness, hate, etc)
If you are hurtfully tactless
If you cannot tolerate people and things that happen in your life
You can call on him also for help with negative energies –
If you wish to turn negative energy into positive
If you feel you need a purer mind, body and soul
If you want to be nearer to God but feel things are in your way
If you wish to change negative karma
There are many, many more similar situations in which Archangel Zadkiel can help you as our lives throw up so many issues on a daily basis, but be sure he is there to help and will if you call on him with respect, belief, trust and love. Your words are your own to choose to invoke his help but those listed below may help you.
Dear Archangel Zadkiel please help me to forgive
Dear Archangel Zadkiel please help me to tolerate myself and others
Dear Archangel Zadkiel please purify and cleanse me with your violet flame
Dear Archangel Zadkiel please rid me of my negative karma
Believe in the power of prayer and your prayers will be answered. Remember we are on this earth to learn and just like teachers the Angels are here to help us through.
The name Archangel Uriel means, “The light of God” and “The light and fire of the divine”. His colours are gold and purple and he is about peace and tranquillity, giving and receiving, service and devotion. He is also there to help us with tension.
You can invoke Archangel Uriel to help bring you peace and tranquillity –
If you cannot find peace within you
If you need to free yourself of fears and angst
If you are frequently changing jobs, homes, relationships etc
If you are always in disagreement with people
If things are irritating you
If you want to bring peace to the world in general
You may also call for his help –
If you cannot give without wanting in return
If you wish to be a better person for others and this world
If you give more then you should or are capable of
If you have a problem receiving things from others
There are many, many more similar situations in which Archangel Uriel can help you as our lives throw so many issues on a daily basis, but be sure he is there to help and will if you call on him with respect, belief, trust and love. Your words are your own to choose in order to invoke his help but those listed below may help you.
Dear Archangel Uriel please help me find my peace
Dear Archangel Uriel please help me to lose my fears
Dear Archangel Uriel please help me to serve and know my purpose
Dear Archangel Uriel please help to bring peace to this situation/world
Believe in the power of prayer and your prayers will be answered. Remember we are on this earth to learn and just like teachers the Angels are there to help us through.
Archangel Raphael’s name means, “Healing power of God”. “God heals”. “The divine has healed”. His colours are green and pink which link with the healing colours of the heart chakras as Archangel Raphael is a healing Angel of wholeness and unity. He can help to heal your mind, body and spirit as and when you need him.
You can invoke Archangel Raphael to help you –
If you or someone else is ill
If you are pained emotionally, physically or mentally
If you are undergoing surgery or performing it
If you are seeking a medical cure
If you are a healer seeking assistance or guidance
If a relationship has broken down
If you need to come to terms with hurt from the past
You can call Archangel Raphael when you feel you need to get your life together –
If you have lost a dear one and are feeling incomplete
To assist you in your healing work
If you feel your world has collapsed through an ended relationship
If you feel a loss within your mind, body and spirit
If you feel your life needs piecing back together
There are many, many more similar situations in which Archangel Raphael can help you as our lives throw so many issues up on a daily basis, but be sure he is there to help and will if you call on him with respect, belief, trust and love. Your words are your own to choose in order to invoke his help but those listed below may help you.
Dear Archangel Raphael please help me to heal my body
Dear Archangel Raphael please help me to heal my spirit
Dear Archangel Raphael please make me feel whole again
Dear Archangel Raphael please help me heal my wounds from the past
Dear Archangel Raphael please help and assist me in my healing work
Dear Archangel Raphael please heal my relationship
Believe in the power of prayer and your prayers will be answered. Remember we are on this earth to learn and just like teachers the Angels are there to help us through.
Archangel Michael’s name means, “Who is like God”. “Who is like the divine”. “Like unto God”. His colours are blue and gold and he is often depicted carrying a sword. He is also seen to hold the scales of justice and the blue flame of protection. Archangel Michael is protection, courage, strength, truth and integrity. He helps us by protecting us physically, emotionally and mentally. Archangel Michael and his Angels are there for you to call upon and they will protect you in many different ways.
You can invoke his protection in situations such as –
If you are been physically attacked
If you are been sexually abused
If you are in an unsafe place
If you are been mentally attacked
If you are alone and in fear
If you are frightened of travelling
If you have broken off a relationship and the other person cannot let go, you can ask Archangel Michael to cut the cords that bind you.
You can invoke his help to give you courage and strength –
If you are under emotional strain or stress
If you feel depressed and life is not worth living
If you need to break an addiction
If you are suffering from a major or terminal disease
If your dreams are plagued with nightmares
If your job is too demanding and needs change
You can invoke his assistance to walk with truth and integrity –
If you have let someone down badly through your lies
If you cannot act on what you believe and say
If you only pretend to like your relationship, job etc
If you always do and say what others want
If you cannot bring yourself to tell the truth
There are many, many more similar situations in which Archangel Michael can help you as our lives throw so many issues up on a daily basis, but be sure he is there to help and will if you call on him with respect, belief, trust and love. Your words are your own to choose in order to invoke his help but those listed below may help you.
Dear Archangel Michael I humbly ask you to please – Help me? Help me? Help me?
Dear Archangel Michael please protect me from all harm and danger around me.
Archangel Jophiel’s name means, “Beauty of God”. His colour is yellow and he brings us awakening and wisdom, inspiration, illumination and joy.
You can invoke Archangel Jophiel’s awakening and wisdom –
If your soul needs waking up to push you on your path
If you wish for a deeper understanding of yourself
If you are looking to find your higher self
If you wish to seek knowledge of the spiritual world you can call on him to illuminate and inspire you –
If you wish for things to become clearer
If you seek mental strength for studying or exams
If you cannot understand yourself and others
If you are looking for answers
If you need a little help when faced with difficult decisions
You can also ask him to bring you joy –
If you need to laugh to pick you up
If the sun feels like its left your life
There are many, many more similar situations in which Archangel Jophiel can help you as our lives throw up so many issues on a daily basis, but be sure he is there to help and will if you call on him with respect, belief, trust and love. Your words are your own to choose to invoke his help but those listed below may help you.
Dear Archangel Jophiel let my mind, body and spirit be filled with light
Dear Archangel Jophiel please reveal the spiritual realms to me
Dear Archangel Jophiel please bring laughter and joy into my life
Dear Archangel Jophiel help me on my path to enlightenment
Dear Archangel Jophiel share with me the wisdom I need
Believe in the power of prayer and your prayers will be answered. Remember we are on this earth to learn and just like teachers the Angels are there to help us through.
Archangel Gabriel’s name means, “God is my strength”. “The divine is my strength”. “Strength in God”. His colours are indigo and white and he is there for guidance and inspiration, visions, purifying and prophecy. He can help you to find your true path in life.
You can invoke Archangel Gabriel to help you with guidance –
If you have veered off your souls path
If you wish to know your life plan and purpose
If you need guidance with coming changes
If you need help to make decisions
If you are starting in a relationship or wanting to start a family
If you think you need a change of job
You can ask him to bring you messages to inspire you –
If your spiritual vision has become closed
If you wish to receive direction
If you want to know about the challenges ahead
If you want to understand your dreams
You can also call on him for purification –
If your body needs freeing of toxins
If you have been sexually abused, assaulted or raped
If your been psychically attacked
If you have had a burglary
If your mind or outlook is negative
If you’ve taken someone’s problems on too deeply
There are many, many more similar situations in which Archangel Gabriel can help you as our lives throw so many issues up on a daily basis, but be sure he is there to help and will if you call on him with respect, belief, trust and love. Your words are your own to choose to invoke his help but those listed below may help you.
Dear Archangel Gabriel help me on my souls path
Dear Archangel Gabriel help me to understand my dreams and visions
Dear Archangel Gabriel help purify my mind, body and spirit
Dear Archangel Gabriel free me from psychic attacks
Dear Archangel Gabriel help me to clear my negative thoughts
Dear Archangel Gabriel inspire me and guide me for what is coming
Believe in the power of prayer and your prayers will be answered. Remember we are on this earth to learn and just like teachers the Angels are there to help us through.
Archangel Chamuel’s name means, “He who sees God”. His colours are pink and orange and he stands for unconditional love, relationships, nurturing and making allowances. Archangel Chamuel brings us the pure love that can lift us from our deepest woes.
You can invoke Archangel Chamuel to help you –
If you cannot feel love for anyone
If you cannot feel love for yourself
If you are feeling negative with guilt, envy and are unable to forgive and you carry bitterness
If you have a broken heart
If you are in despair or have depression
If you are lonely
If you are judgemental
You can also call on Archangel Chamuel to help you improve your relationships –
If your relationship is falling apart
If you have lost someone close
If you are going through a divorce
If you need to feel loved
If you can’t allow others their freedom because you want them to yourself
If you use love as a tool to get your own way
There are many, many more similar situations in which Archangel Chamuel can help you as our lives throw so many issues up on a daily basis, but be sure he is there to help and will if you call on him with respect, belief, trust and love. Your words are your own to choose in order to invoke his help but those listed below may help you.
Dear Archangel Chamuel fill my heart with your unconditional love
Dear Archangel Chamuel help me to find love for others and myself
Dear Archangel Chamuel clear my heart of all negativity
Dear Archangel Chamuel heal my heart and free it from this pain
Dear Archangel Chamuel help to heal my relationship with
Dear Archangel Chamuel give me strength to end my relationship
Believe in the power of prayer and your prayers will be answered. Remember we are on this earth to learn and just like teachers the Angels are there to help us through.
Angelic help is available to all of us any time of the day or night no matter where you are you simply have to ask. Listed below are some difficulties we may find ourselves in throughout our lives and the Angelic beings who you may call upon to help you through those circumstances.
Please remember this angelic help is not to be used for personal gain or greed, they are not here to help you win the lottery etc. They are here to guide you through your life path but only if you are sincere, trust and believe in them and your intentions are honourable.
Invoking angelic help comes through the power within their names and the universal law of three. When calling on them say their name three times and also ask that it comes in love and light, also repeated three times.
Dear Archangel Michael, Michael, Michael.
Please be with me today to give me the strength I need to get through this terrible ordeal.
I ask for this help in Love and Light, Love and Light, Love and Light.
Focus with intent when you seek their help and remember always to thank them for listening to you and coming to your aid. Offer them your heart as gratitude as they come with their unconditional love to help you.
Anger – Camael
Animals (tame) – Hariel
Animals (wild) – Thuriel
Assertiveness – Machidiel
Birds (tame) – Tubiel
Birds (wild) –Arael
Bravery – Camael or Verchiel
Communication – Ambriel or Michael
Compassion – Rachmiel
Conception – Lailah
Destiny – Oriel
Dreams – Gabriel
Earth – Ariel or Michael
Fertility – Yusamin
Forests – Zuphlas
Forgetfulness – Purah
Freewill – Tabris
Friendship – Mihr
Future – Isiaiel
Healing/health – Raphael or Hamaliel
Hope – Phanuel or Gabriel
Imagination – Barakiel
Impulsiveness – Machidiel
Intuition – Barakiel
Joy – Raphael or Gabriel
Judgement/justice – Zadkiel
Knowledge – Zadkiel/Raphael or Raziel
Lost items – Rochel
Love – Haniel or Rahmiel
Loyalty – Verchiel
Luck – Yofiel
Memory – Zadkiel
Mysteries – Raziel
Optimism – Adnachiel
Patience/calm – Achaiah or Tual
Peace – Michael/Raphael/Gabriel or Phanuel
Prayer – Metatron
Problem solving – Michael or Ambriel
Psychic development – Barakiel or Ariel
Salvation – Haurvatat
Security – Tual
Self belief – Machidiel
Sleep – Michael
Strength – Michael or Zeruch
Tears – Cassiel or Sandolphon
Time – Eth
Vision – Adnachiel
Voyages – Susubo
Vulnerability – Muriel
Wisdom – Zagzagel/Pistis Sophia or Metatron
Womb – Armisael
Work relationships – Hamaliel
There are many, many more situations you may find yourself in and many Angels to help you through those times. They are there for you to use so use them wisely and respectfully to enhance your lives.
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