Students interested in these Egyptian Attunements can be attuned distantly and in their own time and convenience. Full course manuals will be sent to each student to help their understanding, progression and use. Certificates will also be provided.

  To book your attunement in distantly to raise your spiritual vibration please email -

Only £5 Each


Attuning to these Egyptian Gods and Goddesses will bring you a stronger connection to them as you raise your energy and vibrations, helping you gain from their wisdom and teachings and helping you to heal yourself and others

All these attunements listed below are only £5 each and you will be emailed the manual and certificate once you order. 

 Once you are attuned to any of these Gods and Goddesses it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.





Portrayed as a double-headed Lion, or two Lions sitting back to back. Egyptians believed the gates of morning and evening were guarded by Aker.

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.


She welcomes the deceased who enter the City of the dead, she is the hostess in the next world. She took care of the dead and guided them to their new homes and supplied them with food and water.

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.


Amon Ra an opener of creation of a cycle of a birth of the Universe. He is the patron and the assistant to people. During adjustment for channel Amon Ra raises your courage, talents in the field of an open ingenuity, raises skill. With ease new projects of a life and a direction of a correct way in the Universe are created for you.

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.


Protecting the weak from the strong he was an upholder of justice and was represented on five forms. As a man when he is seen seated on a throne holding in one hand a sceptre and in the other an ankh. As a man with the head of a frog or the head of a Cobra. Also as an ape or of a Lion crouching upon a pedestal.

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.


Originally a foreign God of war during the 11th dynasty. One of his titles was, "slayer of enemies", and he was depicted as a bearded manwearing a robe and a head dress with four feathers, holding a spear or lance, or occasionally as a Lion headed God, (representing strength and power. 

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.


The Jackal-God of mummification, he assisted in the rites by which a dead man was admitted to the underworld, and was worshipped as the inventor of embalming. He monitored the scales of truth to protect the dead from deception and eternal death.

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.


She was originally a water Goddess from Sudan, and her name meant, "to embrace". Later she became a Goddess of lust, whose attributes and cult were obscene.

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.


He represented the God or spirit of the sun, and the actual solar disk. He was depicted as a disk with rays reaching to the Earth, and at the end of the rays were human hands which often extended the ankh to the Pharoah. He was called the creator of man and the nurturing spirit of the world. 

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.


He was considered to be the setting sun. He is the first living man God concieved of by the ancient Egyptians. Until then, their Gods were all forms of animals. He was a bisexual God, and embodied both male and female aspects of life. He was called, "great he-she", and his name meant, "complete one".

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.


Depicted as a woman with the head of a domestic Cat, she is the Goddess of fire, Cats, of the home and pregnant women. She seemed to have two sides to her personality, one docile and one aggressive.

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.



A Cow-Goddess of the sky with the power to see the past and into the future. She was shown as a woman with a human face, bovine ears and curly horns which emerged from her temples.

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.



The God of music and dance, the God of war and slaughter and a destroying force of nature. He was also a protector of children. Portrayed as a dwarf with a large head, he is bearded with his tongue sticking out.  Around his body he wears the skin of an animal and its tail reaches down to the ground.

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.


Protector of Egypt and an aggressive defender of the king, she is ready to spit venom on all of the Pharoah's enemies or burn them with her fiery glare.

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.


His role was to protect the stomach of the deceased and he was the guardian of the East. You can use his energies to heal the diseases and disorders of the stomach.

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.


God of the Earth, even so, he guided the dead to heaven and gave them meat and drink. It is said that his laughter is the source of Earthquakes. He is shown as a dark or green skinned man with leaves on his skin.

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.


Portrayed as a man with breasts and a protruding belly. the full breasts and stomach indicate fertility and his ability to nourish the land through the Nile's annual floods. The flood was commonly known as the, "arrival of Hapi" and sacrifices of amulets and other things would be tossed into the Nile to appease Hapi and ensure he would provide.

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.


Hapy was portrayed as a mummified ape. Hapy's role was to protect the lungs of the deceased and he was the guardian of the North. He was protected by the Goddess Nephthys. You can use his energies to heal the diseases and disorders of the lungs.

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.


The horned Cow-Goddess of love, a diety of happiness, dance and music, and a protector of women. A woman with the head of a Cow or who wears the stylized cow horns which hold in them the Solar disk.

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.



She is the Frog-Goddess of child birth. Depicted as a Frog or with the head of a Frog, she hastened the final stages of labour and delivered the babies safely.

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.


He was called the "Lord of awe", and was a God of fertility and water. He is praised as the giver of sustenance, and he is the man with the head of a Ram.

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.


The Falcon-headed god and one of the most important who also carries a Falcon-headed staff. He was said to be stunted from the waist down, this maybe because his father was dead when he was conceived or perhaps because he was born prematurely. 

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.


He was depicted as a young naked boy wearing the side-lock of youth, and usually carrying a sistrum or menet necklace. He was called the, "Lord of bread", and said to be, "in charge of beer".

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.


One of the few Gods that was actually a real person. He was also a priest, writer, a doctor and a founder of the studies of Egyptian astronomy and architecture. He was a physician to both gods and men.

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.


He is portrayed as a mummified human and his role was to protect the liver of the deceased. You can use his energies to heal the diseases and disorders of the liver.

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.


She is a woman wearing a Vulture head dress and the Solar disk between a pair of horns, and she was a vital link between the Gods and mankind. She was a great magician and famous for the use of her magickal skills.

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.


He was self-produced and usually depicted with a beetle on his head, or sometimes with the beetle as his head. He is the manifestation of the rising sun and would roll the sun along the sky.

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.


Usually portrayed as a man with the head of a Hawk and wearing the Lunar disk. It was said that when he caused the cresent moon to shine, women conceived, cattle became fertile and all nostrills and throats were filled with fresh air.

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.


Ma'at was the Goddess of physical and moral law of Egypt, of order and truth. She holds a sceptre in one hand and an ankh in the other. A symbol of her is the Ostrich feather which she wears in her hair. When the dead were judges it was her feather that their hearts were weighed against.  

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.


She was a dangerous, yet merciful Goddess who would punish sinners and liars with blindness and snake bites. She is portrayed as a coiled snake or a woman with the head of a snake.

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and internally.

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person. 


A Goddess who presided over and assisted with child birth. She was also influential in the in the re-birth of people following death. She was often depicted in the hall of judgement, near the scales where the deceased's heart was weighed against the feather of truth. 

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.


Depicted as a Lion or Lion-headed man, he would wear a short kilt and many different head dresses. He would often be shown with a knife or a bouquet of Lotuses near him.

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person. 


A fertilty God who was believed to bestow sexual powers to all men. He was also a God of the rain who was a generative force of nature. He is shown with one arm raised holding a thunderbolt.

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.


The God of war portrayed as a Falcon-headed man wearing a head dress consisting of the sun disc encircled by the Uraeus topped by two plumes. He would carry various weapons including the schimitar, bows and arrows, and knives.

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.


Her name means, "Mother", and she was regarded  as the great, "world Mother". She has a phallus a pair of wings and the claws of a Lion.

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.


She was sometimes depicted as a woman wearing the crown of the North and holding either a sceptre or a bow and two arrows. At other times she was shown as a woman wearing a shuttle, ( a tool used for weaving, on her head. She was originally a goddess of war.

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.



A Vulture-Goddess who was a protective diety of the South. In her hands she holds a Loyus flower with a Cobra wrapped around it and an ankh.

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.


She is portrayed as a woman wearing on her head the symbol of her name, or the symbol on top of a pair of horns. One of her roles was to protect Hapy, as he guarded over the lungs of the deceased. 

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.


Depicted as a man wearing the Lotus and two plumes on his head or feathers, sometimes his elaborate headress also included two menet necklaces.

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.


She was the Goddess of the daytime sky and the place where clouds formed. In later periods she was Goddess of the sky in general. She is portrayed as a woman who wears a vase of water on her head.

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.


A God of the Earth and of vegetation, he symbolised in his death the yearly drought, and in his miraculous re-birth the periodic flooding of the Nile and the growth of grain. It is as the king of the afterlife that he gained his supreme popularity.

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.


 Ptah was unique in that his methods were intellectual, rather then physical. According to the priests of Memphis, everything is the work of Ptah's heart and tongue, Gods are born, towns are founded and ord

er is maintained.

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.


Portrayed as a mummified Falcon his role is to protect the intestines of the deceased, you can use his energies to heal the diseases and disorders of the intestines.

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.


She was worshipped as a nature Goddess and a Goddess of sacred ecstasy and sexual pleasure. She is often shown as a naked woman standing on a Lion and on her head is the crescent Moon and disk.

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.


His name is thought to mean, "creative power", and as a proper name, "Creator". He was represented as a Hawk-headed man or as a Hawk.

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.


The Cobra-Goddess of harvest, portrayed as a snake or a lady with the head of a snake. A fertility Goddess and nurturer of children, and tutelary dietry of the Pharoah. She could vanquish all enemies, but with the same gaze she could ensure crops flourished.

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.


A Goddess who personified fertility, spring and youth. She is depicted as a young woman wearing a palm shoot over her head. the palm shoot represented, "time".

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.


She was the Goddess of inundation and of fertility and was also connected with the star Sept, whose return to the night sky marked the beginning of the flood season.

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.


The Lion-headed Goddess of war and destruction. Re created her a weapon of vengeance to destroy men for their wicked ways and disobedience. Her name comes from the root Sekhem which means, "to be strong, mighty, violent".

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.


The Goddess of Scorpions and magick, wearing a Scorpion upon her head. She was also associated with child birth and nursing and a protectress of the deceased. 

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.


A Goddess of writing and measurement, the patroness of mathematics, architecture and record keeping. She wears a dress and the priestly Leopard skin.

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.


A Crocodile God, he was worshipped in Cities that depended on water such as the oasis City of Arsinoe, where the reptiles were kept in pools and adorned with jewels. He is portrayed as a man with the head of a Crocodile.

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.



She was depicted as a human woman with a star on her head, and she guides the king to the after world. She was occassionaly shown as a man.

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.



She is portrayed as a pregnant female Hippopotamus with large human breasts, the hind legs of a Lion and the tail of a Crocodile.  She is shown standing on her hind legs and leaning on the symbol for protection, holding an ankh.

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.


Tefnut was depicted in the form of a woman who wears on her head the solar disc circled by two cobra's. She holds in her hands the sceptre and ankh. Many times she has the head of a lioness or is shown as one.

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.


A Jackal-like funerary diety, whose name means, "opener of the ways". He is shown with a grey or white head, which leads some to believe that he was orinally associated with the Wolf. His role was to protect and lead the deceased through the underworld.

After attunement for the channel you can self heal, treat others and transfer attunement distantly and in person.



 To book your attunement in the sanctuary or distantly to raise your spiritual vibration please email -

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