Only £10.00 per item
Various companies are using electromagnetic generators to aid healing and selling them as cosmetic jewellery to help arthritic pain, sports injuries and sprains etc. The magnetic energy which is in the bracelet/wrist band etc carries through the persons blood system and aids the body to heal the affected area.
This energy is not just available through science though, and as a healer I can access Neodymium energy with my healing guides. If you have a watch, bracelet, necklace etc that is made of metal then I can channel the magnetic energy into it saving you the cost of purchasing one.
There is no general answer as to how long a person should wear the item to receive its benefits, as every body is different and has different needs. I suggest at first wearing it all the time, and in my experiments with this magnetic energy some people have found immediate benefits.
Like any healing modality a persons symptoms may feel worse for a few days until you begin to feel better. This is just as the body starts to adapt to the new energy and starts to heal itself. If you have difficulty at first wearing the item, put it on for just 10 minutes at a time and gradually build up. You could always try putting it on as you go to bed, and take it off in the morning. There is no real right or wrong, its just a case of listening to your body.
Again with all healing modalities/energy work it is recommended that you drink plenty of water. This helps the natural detoxification of the body and assists in the healing and cleansing process.
If you would like to try this magnetic healing method for yourself then all you need to do is email me a picture of a metal item of jewellery. I have already done several around the UK and also some in the USA by this method and it works as energy has no boundaries when you know how to use it.
The cost for this service is at a special low price of just £10.00 per item and once payment is received the item/s will be channelled with the magnetic energy and your healing will begin.
All magnetic attunements can be purchased through PAY PAL, payments to - Credit card payments accepted through Paypal too.
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