Students interested in these Lightarian Attunements can be attuned distantly and in their own time and convenience. Full course manuals will be sent to each student to help their understanding, progression and use. Certificates will also be provided.

  To book your attunement in distantly to raise your spiritual vibration please email -

 All £99 Only


LIGHTARIAN REIKI I-V (plus Buddhic boost)

This system offers the most powerful, highest vibrational Reiki healing energies available.  It uniquely prepares you to deliver a broader spectrum of healing energies by extending the vibrational range of Reiki beyond Usui based and Karuna Reiki modalities.

Inspired by Ascended Master Buddha, Lightarian Reiki has been brought forth now to accelerate the healing process for humanity, focusing on expanding your abilities as a Reiki Teacher/practitioner to channel healing energies of a higher vibrational nature for the benefit of all.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunements on to others.

* Please note you must be a Usui Reiki level III master to take these attunements.

Cost of all attunement levels including manual and certificate £99.00


A specialised team of Angelic energies consisting of a Seraph and four Archangels to assist you in your day to day life. Expand the pure Angelic qualities of unconditional love, non-judgement, courage, beauty and joy within your energy fields.

Establish a series of five unique and permanent guiding connections with these supportive Angelic beings.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunements on to others.

* Please note you must be a Usui Reiki level III master to take these attunements.

Cost of all attunement levels including manual and certificate £99.00


A this is a series of six levels of in depth, multi-level clearing techniques for support in "having the full force of light in your life".

Clearing, healing, activation and manifestation are the four general areas of personal development. The clearing of our energy fields is a vital part of our personal transformation and ascension process. The Lightarian Clearing Program provides unique, effective methods for the releasing of counter-productive limiting belief structures and mental/emotional and physical stored energy patterns, and programming from ones energy/light matrix.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunements on to others.

* Please note you must be a Usui Reiki level III master to take these attunements.

Cost of all attunement levels including manual and certificate £99.00


Accelerate your spiritual transformation by receiving these attunements. A series of powerful, guided meditation attunements inspired by the Celestial Masters - Maitreya, El Morya, Buddha, Sananda and St Germain, and by our Universal source.

The first five rays focus on the essential phases of spiritual processing, empowerment, clearing, healing and manifestation. The sixth ray, called the source ray, focuses on lifting you further into the unfolding global-human ascension process.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunements on to others.

* Please note you must be a Usui Reiki level III master to take these attunements.

Cost of all attunement levels including manual and certificate £99.00

To book your attunement in the sanctuary or distantly to raise your spiritual vibration please email


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